#01 -- From :Parik Rao Subj :Re:ProTALK 2.1 [Input]:Start at which message [=quit][->1 _______________________________________________________________________________ [:.From....:] Parik Rao (4) @TAR [:.Subject.:] Re:ProTALK 2.1 [:.Letter..:] 1 of 1 [:.Date....:] 08/20/88 02:23:04 PM [:.Status..:] Awaiting Reply ____________________________________Message____________________________________ The source code to PrOTALK is extremely large and you will have no way of running it unless you put it on a RAM disk of 800K or larger size, or you own a hard drive (5+ megabytes) _______________________________________________________________________________ [Mail Level]:Command? Reread _______________________________________________________________________________ [:.From....:] Parik Rao (4) @TAR [:.Subject.:] Re:ProTALK 2.1 [:.Letter..:] 1 of 1 [:.Date....:] 08/20/88 02:23:04 PM [:.Status..:] Already Read ____________________________________Message____________________________________ The source code to PrOTALK is extremely large and you will have no way of running it unless you put it on a RAM disk of 800K or larger size, or you own a hard drive (5+ megabytes) _______________________________________________________________________________ [Mail Level]:Command? Auto-Reply [:.From....:] Surfer Joe SysOp [:.Subject.:] Re:ProTALK 2.1 [:.Date....:] 08/20/88 05:26:04 PM [Input]:Do you wish to send via certified mail? Yes! [Input]:Do you wish to Xmodem your message? No!! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : Enter Message Now 4000 Bytes Max : : .S to Save DONE to edit : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Yeah so the chinook 20 is the d   drive for me then, hehehehe....              hehehehe..... I Okay chat with ya later bro. Surfer   Joe   .el 6> Surfer 6> .s [Wait]:Saving Message......Done! [Mail Level]:Command? Dump Mail [Input]:Delete all your mail? Yes!! 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